About your Host…


I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in March of 1989 just before I turned 28, a fairly young age for RA.  I’ve tried many different things searching for relief from the daily (all day) aches and pains associated with RA. For most of those years I’ve felt storm fronts approach, especially when multiple storms move across a day or two apart.  You know what I’m talking about, the aches and soreness that starts in almost every joint of your body.  Just sitting there feels like your joints are starting to catch fire.  If you have any form of arthritis I believe you will understand what I’m talking about.

I’ve read articles where people dispute the fact that a person can ‘feel’ storms approaching.  When I’ve read those articles I simply say they must have no clue of what it’s like to have arthritis or any previously broken bones because we who do can testify that it is possible.

I’ve come across some natural products that have significantly changed my life.  I hope to explore them with you here.  My arthritis pain has been reduced dramatically and my quality of life is getting better.  I have such a compelling feeling to share what I’ve found and hope that you will take a serious look into what I have.

Let me know what you’ve investigated and, maybe, we can find something that helps us all live a better quality of life….

Send me an email.

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