Ever ‘feel’ a storm coming?

Have you ever heard of somebody that could feel a storm coming?

I really hadn’t thought a whole lot about it until I contracted my Rheumatoid Arthritis.  (Contract(ed)…  sounds like it’s something I signed up for)

I’ve heard of people that have arthritis or have had broken bones being able to feel a storm front that was approaching.  I’ve read articles that claim there’s no scientific evidence that this can actually happen.  I’ve also read articles that it can.  One interesting article is located here.

This article states: “However, it’s important to note that this process is entirely theoretical because the swelling — if it really is taking place — is happening on such a small scale that it cannot be detected by any scientific means.”

So, I wonder…

If something can’t be measured does it mean it’s not happening at all?  I, for one, believe that science is good yet it does not have all of the answers.  There are many things that science can’t explain.  There are many theories that have come and gone.  A good scientist will try to prove or disprove a theory.  But, what if said theory cannot be proven or disproved?  What then?  I do know there are things that are considered factual that are truly based on a theory.

I was told by one scientist that many of the so-called truths we hold true are actually based on a theory.  He gave me the example of carbon dating.  He said the basis of testing could not be proven or disproved but it was assumed (you know what that means) to have been true so the rest of the research could be continued.  Now, I’ve not dug in to investigate this myself but he’s one person that I would believe.

Whether there’s scientific evidence that would support the ‘myth’ of being able to feel a storm approaching or not, I do know that I have been able to feel it myself.  I would dare say that you’ve been able to feel it yourself, as well.

I’m a weather forecaster.

For years I’ve felt the approaching low front of storms, about 1-1/2 days before they hit.  You probably know how that goes.  The shoulders, knees or whatever have been aching more than they normally do and you finally realize that you’re hurting more than you should.  When this would happen I’d get on the internet and check the weather.  Yup, a storm’s a comin’.  Voilà!  I’m a weather forecaster.

Sometimes several storms will pass over, one right after the other.  Now, that’s when it gets really fun.  I can only guess that the barometric pressure is fluctuating up and down between each storm and that increases the sensitivity of the tissue in the joints.  When these multiple storms come through, the aches turn into pain.

I’ve dealt with this ‘myth’ for most of the 26 years I’ve had RA.

There are days when I just get so tired of the stuff.  You’re probably reading this, wanting to tell me that I have it good compared to you.  If I could get to know you, chances are that I would agree.  My RA hasn’t been debilitating for me, just more of a pain in the neck (pun intended).

Pain is not fun.  It can wear you down mentally and cause you to feel absolutely exhausted.  I’ve had times where it feels like I’m walking through ankle or knee deep water when I’m simply walking down the sidewalk.  My joints will feel like I’m pushing against something like the water and my first reaction will be to slow down so they don’t hurt so much.

Oh, another thing is when I have to do something that’s above my head and I’m reaching my arms up, like changing a light bulb in a ceiling light fixture.  Holding my arms up like that for a few minutes causes my shoulders to start burning.  Ever felt that?  If what I’m doing takes too long I’ll need to lower my arms to my sides and allow the burning sensation to stop and then raise my arms up again and continue what I was doing.

So, what do I do about it?

If you’ve read through some of the other posts I’ve made here you might get tired of me going back to the products Juuva markets.  Okay, I’m heading there again.  What can I say?  They’ve made a huge difference for me and the pain I’ve experienced for so long.

Galaxy is what I’m wanting to highlight here today.  It’s a juice blend of 32 different ingredients that has been classified as a nutritional supplement.  In case you don’t know, being a nutritional supplement means it’s more than just a juice mix.

Since I’ve been drinking Galaxy I no longer feel the storms coming in.  It took about three months for me to notice but virtually every time a storm rolls across the sky I just marvel at how nice it was to not feel it coming.

I know this is all anecdotal and I have no proof but I’m sticking with what I’m saying, proof or not.

I’ve visited with people that have shared their story with me on how Galaxy has made a difference for them.  I’m not going to get into those stories here.  I’ll just ask that you go to Juuva’s site and read the various testimonials they have posted there.


These products have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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