Broken Bones, Pain Relief

Ever had some broken bones and wanted pain relief?

ronlI work with a guy named Ron.  He’s an older man in his early 60’s, a little bit onthe heavy side, gray hair, a rather nice guy and all.

Ron acts like any other 60ish man would, where he walks and moves a little more gingerly than he did a few years ago.

Several weeks ago, Ron was trying to get on a horse and because he didn’t pay much attention to how tight the cinch was on the saddle, it rotated around when he tried to get on the horse and ended up falling off.  He didn’t think much about it, cinched up the saddle and got back on the horse.

Remember, Ron’s not exactly a spring chicken any more.

Ron and his friends rode their horses up the mountain to reach a cabin.  The ride took three hours and they stayed up there for four days.  Ron told me he wasn’t in a lot of pain, at first, just really uncomfortable.

The longer he was there the more he ached.  When it was time to come out Ron was hurting too much to ride back out.  He ended up having the search_rescue_helicopterSearch and Rescue fly him out by helicopter.


Well, Ron had shattered his left collar bone and broke six ribs when he fell off that horse. I didn’t see him for about a week after he was hurt and he was still bruised up pretty good.  Ron showed me his collar bone area and it was all purple-ish.

Last year, Ron had purchased one of our Anion Anion EmitterEmitters (You know, that little pen looking thing that can help reduce inflammation which causes pain and that can also help promote healing) and I asked if he had tried using it where he had broken his bones.

Ron said, “SHOOT!  I forgot about that thing”.

That evening, Ron clipped the emitter to his shirt right next to his collar bone and he said the pain, gradually, went away.  He started taping it to his rib areas to help with the pain he was feeling there.  He commented that he wished he had several of the emitters so all of the painful areas could feel better.

Ron even told me he believe that emitter helped his collar bone heal up faster.  Now, I’m not sure if it really did or not but I’ve been told that it can help things heal up faster.

I just hope I don’t need to experience that, first hand…


These products have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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